by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Aug 2, 2020 | Anatomy, percutaneous foot surgery in Nice, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Saint-Antoine Clinic, Saint-George Clinic, Behavior, Nice, Operation, Reflex
Doctor Becquet, a specialist in orthopedics, pointed out that "some feet deform more than others due to a predisposing geometry of the toes and metatarsals", adding that "prevention can limit...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Jul 25, 2020 | Anatomy, Hand surgery, Doctor, Main, Nice, Reflex, Social
Definition De Quervain's tendonitis was discovered by Frédéric de Quervain, a Swiss surgeon, in the 20th century. He described the phenomenon of tenosynovitis of the adductor longus and extensor pollicis brevis found in the thumb. Thus, the...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | May 5, 2020 | Anatomy, Hand surgery, foot surgery nice, Saint-George Clinic, Doctor, Evolution, Main, Nice, Reflex, Sos
Developing on the posterior or anterior aspect of the wrist, a wrist synovial cyst is a swelling. Synovial cysts are not generally considered a nuisance. It is only when it has aesthetic consequences, or when it is caused by compression of the...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Apr 25, 2020 | foot surgery nice, Behavior, Main, Nice, Reflex, Social
Comme vous le savez, l’hiver est la période de l’année où les microbes circulent le plus. Et il peut parfois être difficile de se protéger de ces derniers. Et parmi ceux qui sont les plus fragiles face à tous ces microbes, nous retrouvons les plus petits. Et si vous...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Oct 7, 2019 | Anatomy, Hand surgery, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Doctor, Reflex
In the event of hand pain, here's what you need to know about symptoms, good reflexes and potential complications Symptoms Pain at the base of the thumb or in the phalanges of the fingers may suggest osteoarthritis,...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Sep 28, 2019 | Anatomy, foot surgery nice, Behavior, Evolution, Main, Reflex
Les douleurs liées aux mains, aux doigts et au poignet sont des douleurs se manifestant sous différentes formes. Plusieurs causes peuvent engendrer ces douleurs. Bien que la pratique d’activités sportives, les tâches manuelles répétitives et le vieillissement soient...