by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Sep 10, 2020 | Anatomy, Hand surgery, percutaneous foot surgery in Nice, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Saint-Antoine Clinic, Saint-George Clinic, Behavior, Doctor, Nice, Reflex, Sole, Care
Every day, your feet support up to twice your body weight. Taking good care of them can be a smart move. Foot pain can actually affect important areas of the body, including the back and joints....
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Aug 18, 2020 | Anatomy, percutaneous foot surgery in Nice, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Saint-Antoine Clinic, Saint-George Clinic, Behavior, Doctor, Expression, Nice, Reflex, Sole, Social
Flat shoes for walking We're all familiar with the old adage that "flat shoes are best for walking". Yet wearing them all the time can lead to painful talalgia. A 2.5cm heel...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Aug 6, 2020 | percutaneous foot surgery in Nice, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Saint-Antoine Clinic, Saint-George Clinic, Behavior, Doctor, Evolution, Reflex, Sole
We all know that a podiatrist looks after the health of your feet. But what exactly does this entail? And when should you visit? Let's try to answer a few questions... The podiatrist is the expert in your feet's health...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Oct 20, 2019 | Anatomy, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Behavior, Evolution, Sole
En fonction du mal à traiter, la podo-orthèse peut avoir plusieurs formes. Elle peut être une semelle orthopédique, une attelle de pied, une chaussure orthopédique ou encore une onychoplastie. Il existe d’autres types de...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Oct 1, 2019 | Anatomy, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Behavior, Evolution, Sole
Généralement, les pieds sont les membres les plus sollicités chez les sportifs et encore plus chez les coureurs. Porter une semelle orthopédique lors des séances de sport, permet de mieux asseoir ses pieds, le dos et les membres inférieurs. Tailler les semelles sur...