by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Jan 24, 2021 | Anatomy, percutaneous foot surgery in Nice, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Saint-Antoine Clinic, Saint-George Clinic, Behavior, Evolution, Expression, Hallux valgus Nice, Nice, Sole, Care
Avoir mal aux pieds après une bonne séance de sport est très fréquent. Quelques bonnes pratiques pour leur faire du bien… ainsi qu’à vous ! LES DÉTENDRE Faites des bains de pieds tièdes (entre 30 et 37°) avec quelques gouttes d’huile essentielle de lavande,...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Jan 15, 2021 | Anatomy, percutaneous foot surgery in Nice, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Saint-Antoine Clinic, Saint-George Clinic, Behavior, Doctor, Evolution, Expression, Hallux valgus Nice, Nice, Sole
Nos pieds peuvent se rappeler à notre bon souvenir après une séance de sport intensive. Un peu de gym va leur permettre de récupérer plus vite et d’être moins douloureux après l’effort. Nous utilisons tous les jours nos pieds sans y penser. Toutefois, ils...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Nov 25, 2020 | Anatomy, percutaneous foot surgery in Nice, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Saint-Antoine Clinic, Saint-George Clinic, Doctor, Evolution, Hallux valgus Nice, Reflex, Sole, Care
We don't usually pay much attention to the condition of our feet. They are often neglected and abused. They play a vital role, especially as they carry almost twice our body weight every day. What's more, pain in this part of the...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Oct 8, 2020 | Anatomy, Hand surgery, foot surgery nice, Saint-Antoine Clinic, Saint-George Clinic, Behavior, Doctor, Evolution, Innovation, Nice, Operation
De Quervain's tendonitis, a tendonitis of the wrist caused by inflammation of the tendons between the thumb and wrist, is quite a difficult tendonitis, which makes it longer to heal, and more complicated to treat. For these reasons, it must be...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Aug 6, 2020 | percutaneous foot surgery in Nice, foot surgery nice, Foot surgeon in Nice, Saint-Antoine Clinic, Saint-George Clinic, Behavior, Doctor, Evolution, Reflex, Sole
We all know that a podiatrist looks after the health of your feet. But what exactly does this entail? And when should you visit? Let's try to answer a few questions... The podiatrist is the expert in your feet's health...
by Hallux valgus Nice - Dr Becquet | Jul 8, 2020 | Anatomy, Hand surgery, Behavior, Doctor, Evolution, Main, Nice, Operation
L’algodystrophie est une complication de la chirurgie du canal carpien qui est très handicapante par sa durée, mais également par les symptômes douloureux et fonctionnels qu’elle cause. Elle doit donc être repérée le plus tôt possible. Manifestation après l’opération...